Client List
MMA provides expertise in the analysis of complex groundwater flow systems for a wide variety of industrial, legal, and government clients in the United States and internationally.

Barrick Gold Corporation
Bridgeport Hydraulic Company
Corning Incorporated
Goodrich Corporation
Honeywell International
Luzenac Mine
Malibu Bay Company
Nestle Waters North America
New England Gas Company
Polyone Corporation
Putney Paper Company
Sierra Pacific Power Company
Smuggler Notch Resort
Strathmore Resources, US Ltd.
Tresca Sand and Gravel
The Boeing Company
Westlake Vinyls, Inc.
Western Pacific Utility Company
Wheelabrator Technologies, Inc.
Engineering and Environmental Consultants
Balleau Groundwater, Inc.
Caswell, Eichler, Hill
CH2M Hill, Inc.
Corey Management Company, Inc.
Donahue and Associates
Eagon & Associates
Earth Tech, Inc.
Emery & Garrett Groundwater
Enginneering Science, Inc.
ERM (Environmental Resource Management)
GEI Consultants, Inc.
GeoLogic Associates
GeoServices, Ltd.
Groundwater Consultants, Inc.
HDR Engineering, Inc.
Heynen Teale Engineers, Inc.
HMA Environmental Services
Horsley Witten Group
Hydro-Geo Consultants, Inc.
Kutz Environmental
Law Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc.
Leggette, Brashears & Graham, Inc.
Lytle Water Solutions LLC
McPhail Associates LLC
New England Environmental Associates
Paul Aldinger and Associates, Inc.
Pine and Swallow Environmental Services
Pio Lombardo Associates, Inc.
Questa Engineering Corporation
Ransom Environmental
RETTEW Associates, Inc.
RMC Water and Environment
Rust Environment and Infrastructure, Inc.
Stone Environmental, Inc.
Tetra Tech
The Flatwater Group
Thorne Surveys Inc.
Todd Engineers
Unicorn Management Consultants
Vanasse Hagen Brustlin, Inc.
West Consultants, Inc.
Islesboro Islands Trust
Law Firms
Allen & Desnoyers LLP
Anderson, Kill, Olick and Oshinsky
Anderson, Klein, Swan & Brewster
Blankenau Wilmoth Jarecke LLP
Collier Shannon Scott, PLLC
Dechert LLP
Devorsetz Stinziano Gilberti Heintz & Smith PC
Dewey Ballantine LLP
Dixon Wright & Associates, Inc.
Abbot Simses Album & Knister
Elias, Meginnes, Riffle & Seghetti, P.C.
Farella Braun Martell LLP
Fennemore Craig
Foley, Hoag & Elliot
Gibson, Dunn Crutcher LLP
Greenberg Traurig LLP
Hall, Estill, Hardwick,Gable, Golden, Nelson
Hinkley Allen Snyder LLP
Kevin Maldonado & Associates, P.C.
Lemery Greisler LLC
May, Sudweeks & Browning LLP
McDermott Will & Emery
Mika Meyers Beckett & Jones
Murray, Burns, Kienlen
Quinn Emanuel
Saul Ewing Remis & Saul
Steptoe & Johnson LLP
Sulloway & Hollis
Taylor Porter Brooks and Phillips
Trout Raley
Weston, Benshoof, Rochefort, Rubalcava, MacCuish LLP
Whitman Breed Abbot & Morgan
Federal Departments and Agencies
US Army Corps of Engineers
US Environmental Protection Agency
Regional Water Authorities
COHYST Platte River Cooperative Hydrology Study
Northwest Florida Water Management District
South Florida Water Management District
Southwest Florida Water Management District
West Coast Regional Water Authority
Insurance Companies
Home insurance Company
National Continental Insurance
Municipalities and Local Public Agencies
City of Malibu, California
Sonoma California County Water Agency
Town of Gilford, New Hampshire
Town of Kingston, Rhode Island
Town of Paris, Maine, Paris Utility District
Town of Parker, Colorado, Water and Sanitation District
Town of Randolph, Vermont
Town of Windham, Connecticut
Town of Windham, Maine
State Agencies
Connecticut DEP
Florida DEP
Nebraska AGO
Nebraska DNR
New Mexico AGO
New Mexico ISC
Oregon DOJ
Washington AGO